These pages deal with aerodynamics, flight physics and ultralight flying. If your aircraft is also equipped with a ROTAX 912 engine or you want to make various optimisations to your aircraft such as ADS-B out, want to construct a fuel gauge, synchronise your BING carburetor or are looking for information about ignition or spark plugs, then you have come to the right place.
If you have any suggestions or would like to help me improve the English translations, please copy the text and send it to me by email. The translations were created using various freely available tools, special thanks go to DeepL. English and American English are sometimes mixed, fine corrections to the automatic translation were made by the author. I am also open to constructive criticism - esp. if facts are wrong or incomplete.
It is basically not about details such as sophisticated formulas, there are plenty of other sources for that, but about a rough, generally understandable overview of a topic so that you can then search for, find and evaluate detailed information. Specialists have of course already outgrown this stage, but there are still beginners.
Maybe there is something useful for you, but the platform serves first as a working tool for internet programming. Therefore some contributions are not complete or not fully developed. "Everything you write should be true, but not everything that is true is written.". "A thing is what it is, not necessarily the way you see it, and certainly not the way you want to see it."

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